Tuesday, January 3, 2017

WHO IS THE FILIPINO? by Mariden Nillo

Who is the Filipino? Well , Filipinos are very respectful. Filipinos are thoughtful. In short, Filipinos have a good are well grown. But what if Filipinos are like the animals? What will gonna happen?

We, Filipinos always compare our fellow citizens to the animals. But why? Maybe animals have no manners. But ssme as we, they also have sensitive feelings. So if they are a Filipino, for example a Filipino monkey. As our Prof gave an example, Filipino has a super powers, the first one is like putting your hands together and go in front, People will automatically give way to them. Imagine if the Monkey do that, that's funny to see right? But on the other side, it is a good thing that monkey will do, because in the first place, others won't be scared to the monkey, instead they will give respect for ot because it is new to their eyes.

The next is, what if we have a tiger and a lion who is talking and saying "Po and Opo" ane doing our tradition which is "Mano" to their fellow lions and tigers. How funny is it that they have a scary and fierce look and yet they are doing those things. So imagine all of the animals do what we used to do everyday, I think all places that have different animals will become peaceful and happy :)

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